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Key Features of DAAS

The key features of Division of African Area Studies can be summarized into the following three points:

1. Multidisciplinary Area Studies

To understand the challenges arising in modern Africa, it is necessary to consider the events from an interdisciplinary perspective. Academic staff from both the natural and human/social sciences is engaged in education and research activities in the Division of African Area Studies. In addition, academic staff also engages in practical activities in collaboration with research institutes and governmental organizations inside and outside Japan, aiming to share their research output with the societies.

2. Education Activities with a Focus on Fieldwork

In the division of the African Area Studies, research activities based on “fieldwork” have been conducted to understand the events happening today. Please refer to the fieldwork reports by postgraduate students for the details of their fieldwork. The office of the division offers various support programs for postgraduate students’ fieldwork, including seminars on security and safety measures while abroad.

3. Education with a Focus on Dialog

DAAS employs a multiple supervision system in which three teaching staff members supervise each student. A new student selects one main supervisor and two co-supervisors by mid-May and works to finalize his/her concrete research plan in consultation with his/her supervisors. Students develop their research activities through individual consultation with their supervisors, from writing the preliminary doctoral thesis to conducting fieldwork for the doctoral thesis and then writing the doctoral thesis.